Unlocking Healthcare Innovation with Emerging Technology

Speaker: Amy West, Head of US Digital Transformation & Innovation, Novo Nordisk


Thursday, January 27, 1:00 to 2:00 PM PT

Emerging technology has unlocked an unprecedented level of innovation in the last decade. Moreover, it has elicited a radical new way we view and interact with the world and solve problems as individuals, businesses, and communities. Healthcare has been largely impacted by technology but remains ripe for innovation that will continue to transform the economy of the industry with improved patient outcomes.

In this talk, Amy will provide insight for organizations navigating the ripe innovation landscape in healthcare. She will provoke end user-first go-to-market strategies and share patient-centered considerations that companies should maintain when developing new solutions built upon or inspired by emerging technology.

Co-sponsored by the UCSF Cyber-Champion Team as part of their 2021 Protecting Your Digital Self Series.

Precompliance: Using Stage-Appropriate Compliance to Accelerate Medical Device Development

Speaker: Sabrina Varanelli, Founder & CEO, Nemedio

Thursday, January 20, 1:00 to 2:00 PM PT


Building a new product has never been easier or less expensive. Engineers can jumpstart development with 3-D printers and advanced manufacturing techniques, software tools like Jira, Salesforce, and Quickbooks help companies get things done more efficiently, and developer tools like AWS, Google Cloud have revolutionized the way companies are formed and products are brought to market.

Working in the medical device space is an entirely different story. Due to the regulations and compliance elements involved with medical device development, the process is expensive, slow and difficult. There are also fewer “off the shelf” tools available to help navigate the process.

During this talk, Sabrina Varanelli, a robotics engineer specializing in surgical robotics and the founder of Nemedio, will help you make sense of what is required when planning to commercialize your medical technology. Topics will include: FDA Product Classification, Regulatory Pathways, Quality Management, and an overview of engineering and compliance activities required for clearance.

Learning Objectives:

  • Understanding FDA device classification
  • Overview of the paths to clearance
  • Intro to quality management and quality management systems
  • How and why agile development teams can and should start quality and regulatory activities earlier than they think

Back to the Future: Old Utilization Management in a New Age

Speaker: Alina M. Czekai, Cohere Health


Thursday, December 16, 1:00 to 2:00 PM PT

In 1989, the Institute of Medicine defined utilization management as a “set of techniques used by or on behalf of purchasers of healthcare benefits to manage healthcare costs by influencing patient care decision-making through case-by-case assessment of the appropriateness of care prior to its provision.” The definition still holds true today, but as time passes, the meaning of utilization management has certainly taken on new connotations for healthcare organizations and has become a household name associated with delayed patient care and physician burden. The speaker will discuss the history of utilization management, the policy and market trends influencing these strategies, and how the shift from volume to value-based care requires a very different approach to these models and the key stakeholders involved. The speaker will make the case that seemingly dated policies like utilization management and prior authorization can serve as the bridge between the volume-based system of the past and the value-based system of the future, easing the transition of an entire system and enabling the innovation and transformation our country’s health system needs.

Cybersecurity in the Healthcare Industry

Yuda Saydun

Speakers: Ellen Amsel, Medigate, Jean Pawluk, & Yuda Saydun, CyVent

Thursday, November 18, 1:00 to 2:00 PM PT

Cybersecurity is at a turning point. Billions of dollars get invested yearly to protect intellectual property, corporate networks, and state secrets. Yet we see high profile breaches hitting the news almost every day. Healthcare and medical devices are no exception. In fact, they are prime targets for bad actors due to the high value of the IP and the patient information. In this session, our speakers will share their insights on the threat landscape, its impact on the health care industry, and appropriate prevention strategies. The session will provide an overview of the challenges and emerging solutions ahead, along with practical suggestions on how to protect your revenues, operations, and IP while you are growing your company.

Highs and Lows of HIPAA: What Companies Should Know About HIPAA and Their Technical Challenges

Speaker: Edward J. Naughton, Partner, Brown Rudnick

Thursday, October 28, 1:00 to 2:00 PM PT

While increasing technological innovation can aid companies in their HIPAA compliance practices, it can also create entirely new challenges. Join us as Edward Naughton breaks down what early-stage life sciences companies should know about HIPAA, and how they can rise to meet the complications presented by increased utilization of technology in the scientific world.

Making the Case for Your Value Proposition to Payers

Speaker: Ian Duncan, Santa Barbara Actuaries


Tuesday, November 16, 1:00 to 2:00 PM PT

You have developed a great new device, founded a winning healthcare startup, obtained FDA certification… but have you thought about how you will be paid for the startup/device/intervention? Don’t ignore reimbursement until it’s too late. Now is the time to start honing your economic value proposition to payers. Join us to hear from Ian Duncan of Santa Barbara Actuaries. Ian will tell us about all the key points that healthcare companies need to take into consideration when planning their reimbursement and payer strategies.

Topics to be covered:

  • Does your solution address a condition or aspect of healthcare that is sufficiently costly for a payer/employer to devote its limited time and resources to? (Yes, there are some rule-of-thumb thresholds).
  • What do payers care about? (answer: PMPM; but can your solution be administered?).
  • What is ROI and do you need ROI evidence to support your economic case?
  • How much evidence is enough evidence? Do you need peer-reviewed outcomes (probably not, though it’s nice to have).
  • Calculating ROI: With and without sufficient real-world data.
  • What about other aspects of the value equation (absenteeism/productivity)?
  • What is the fastest and easiest way to get the evidence needed to sell?
  • An interactive economic model can be a great sales tool. (All payers think their population is different to all the others).
  • Have you thought about who needs your intervention from an ROI/value creation standpoint?
  • Have you thought about how to optimize, not maximize, your program’s engagement?

Beyond Diversity: Inclusion & Resilience in Company Culture

Speakers: Evie Mulberry, Astia Fund, & Niquette Hunt, Candesant Biomedical

Thursday, September 16, 1:00 to 2:00 PM PDT

Building diversity is a priority for many companies. But once you’ve got a team representing diverse backgrounds and experience, you need to ensure inclusion: that everyone is, and feels, included in company initiatives and operations. Research shows that this is important for the success of companies at all stages of growth.

Alongside inclusion, resilience is a key characteristic of successful entrepreneurial teams. How can entrepreneurs build resilience? Can resilience be learned? How can we impart resilience to others so our teams can be more successful as a whole?

Evie and Niquette will share practical advice about inclusion and resilience that you can apply to your own team in this conversation.

What Medtech Can Learn from Big Tech (and Vice Versa)

Speaker: Alissa Hsu Lynch, Global Lead, Google Cloud


Thursday, October 14, 1:00 to 2:00 PM PT

Join this interactive and insightful dialogue led by Alissa Hsu Lynch, who recently made the leap to Google after 20 years at a multinational healthcare company. Hear her perspective on the intersection of health and technology and what she sees as the future of medtech.

Fundraising Strategies that Make Investors Love You

Moatti headshot

Speaker: SC Moatti, Founder & Managing Partner, Mighty Capital


Wednesday, October 6, 1:00 to 2:00 PM PT

How do you raise venture capital money on your own terms? Starting a business is fun, growing it is rewarding, but committing to hyper-growth often requires outside capital. What are early stage investors looking for? In the end, it’s all about exit and your ability to generate superior returns. So the success of your fundraising strategy depends on your ability to effectively communicate your business story to investors, including what makes you unique, how you’re already winning, when you’ll make them even richer and why they and their friends need to invest now. Silicon Valley investor and venture capitalist SC Moatti shares best practices that align your fundraising strategy to your desired exit and make every investor love you and want to invest in you.

Scaling Software & Growing a Client Base to Address the Mental Health Crisis

Speaker: Peter Hames, Co-Founder & CEO, Big Health


Tuesday, August 31, 1:00 to 2:00 PM PDT

After a personal experience with insomnia, Big Health Co-Founder and CEO Peter Hames had a major revelation. Despite mounting clinical evidence that non-drug therapies, including behavioral medicine, are the most effective solution for insomnia and other mental health conditions, the most common treatment for these conditions are drugs. In fact, 82% of people diagnosed with mental health issues receive medication. In response, Hames founded Big Health, a digital therapeutic for poor sleep and worry and anxiety. Big Health delivers behavioral medicine in a fully digital format – without needing coaches or clinicians. Through a scalable approach, and more than 50 peer-reviewed papers and 13 randomized controlled trials, Big Health provides personalized care for those who wouldn’t otherwise receive it.

Big Health works with self-insured employers, including Comcast, Boston Medical Center,  and The Hartford, to provide proven mental health solutions to their employees. As part of the CVS Health Point Solutions Management program, Big Health simplifies billing and reimbursement for plan sponsors and their members. During this session, Hames will share his insights on using software to scale care solutions, the importance of clinical evidence, creating a delightful user experience, and how to best support clients in a crowded marketplace.