Home » Programs » Rosenman Innovators

Jumpstart Your Innovation & Become a Rosenman Innovator

Apply to be a Rosenman Innovator! Connect with people who can speed up your scale-up in healthtech: subject matter experts, clinicians, partners, and investors.

Our hands-on mentorship, guidance, and the program’s suite of benefits help you navigate the path to commercialization like the insider you will soon be.

Meet the 2024 Rosenman Innovators Cohort:

      Why Apply?

      Who Can Apply?


2024 Rosenman Innovators Demo Day will be held virtually on June 6th.

Have a question? See our FAQ below.

What our Rosenman Innovators say …

“Through the Rosenman Innovators I was able to meet investors, advisors, and fellow CEOs who helped me both get introduced to investors and navigate the process. I would recommend the Innovators program to a friend or fellow CEO: it is one of the most accessible friendly welcoming communities that I have found in the medtech space.”

Iris Wedeking
Co-Founder & CEO, iDENTICAL

“Early-stage companies, it’s really hard to get the first contact with investors. We built those connections through UCSF Rosenman and we got our lead investor for our seed round through this program.”

Maryam Parviz
Co-Founder & CEO, SDIP Innovations

“The quality of the investors was refreshing. Similarly with the mentor network, they all had strong experience as operators in the healthcare startup scene or the payer or provider side, so you were having in depth conversations with subject matter experts.”

Ade Adesanya
Co-Founder & President, Moving Analytics

“The Rosenman Innovator Program has been a terrific resource for finding experts to help grow the company at every step: regulatory, clinical, development, legal, and otherwise. The program honed in and focused on critical issues and topics highly relevant to development in diagnostics, devices, and therapeutics.”

Joshua Reicher, MD
Co-Founder, Imvaria

“Tiatros is very lucky to be a Rosenman Innovator. The program fostered our collaboration with the San Francisco Veteran Affairs Health Care System. We look forward to continuing to explore ways to serve Veterans in the VA system.”

Kimberlie Cerrone
CEO & Founder, Tiatros

“The Rosenman Innovator program was a fantastic experience and opportunity to get exposure to seed-stage healthcare investors and other industry stakeholders. We met two investors who participated in our round through the program.”

Ade Adesanya
Co-Founder & President, Moving Analytics

“We connected with early-stage investors key to closing our seed round and raising more than $2 million in grant funding. The services provided by Cannon Quality Group included more than six months of manufacturing in a controlled environment and strategic continued input to our QMS that helped us advance significantly over a short period of time.”

Maryam Parviz
CEO, SDIP Innovations

“The Innovator program connected us with mentors who were successful founders, sophisticated investors, and scientific experts. This unique model enabled us to accelerate our progress over a few short months, successfully raise our seed round, and expand our advisory board. We have loved being a part of the Rosenman community and highly recommend the Rosenman Innovator program to any medical device or technology startup! “

Rui Jing Jiang
CEO & Co-Founder, Avisi Technologies

“The Rosenman Innovator program was game-changing for our company. We [met] several highly-experienced mentors whose guidance helped us make drastic changes in our organization and strategy… and optimize our commercial path.”

Ted Abraham, MD
Founder, Perceptive Navigation

“Liv Labs adopted a more aggressive plan and visionary scope as a result of intensive peer and investor mentoring in preparation for the Rosenman Innovator program pitch.”

Melody Roberts
CEO, Liv Labs

2024 Program Events

Offered exclusively to the Rosenman Innovators cohort, the program events provides an opportunity for entrepreneurs to connect with and learn from leaders across the healthcare ecosystem. The program culminates with Demo Day, an invitation only event where Rosenman Innovators pitch their solutions to our expansive and engaged early-stage investor network.

The times below are for the Pacific Time zone.

May 6

Introduction & kickoff

Christine Winoto, UCSF Rosenman Institute


12:00 – 1:00 PM
virtual event

May 7

Building Your Board

Juan-Pablo Mas, Action Potential Venture Partners
Saumitra Thakur, MedMountain Ventures

Moderated by Crystal Nyitray, Encellin

12:00 – 1:00 PM
virtual event

May 14

Getting Paid for Your Product

Colin Carpenter, Siris Medical
Renee Ryan, Executive, Board Member

Moderated by TBD

12:00 – 1:00 PM
virtual event

May 28

Building Your Team

Sloan Saunders, Intellihealth
Additional speakers TBD

Moderated by Joanna Drake, Magnify VC

12:00 – 1:00 PM
virtual event

June 6


If you are an investor and want to attend apply here.

Time and location TBD

Program Partners

Investment Partners

A core group of investors supports the Rosenman Innovator program and the Institute throughout the year.

In-Kind Service Prizes

Our participating service partners will choose the recipients of their services from among the Rosenman Innovator cohort. Criteria include technology, market potential, and how much a startup would benefit from a particular service.

Receive exciting prizes such as design reviews, fundraising support, cloud services, regulatory guidance, quality management assistance, IP strategy advice, clinical consultations, and more!

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Fundraising support

AWS Activate
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AWS Activate

Cloud infrastructure and services

Basil Systems
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Basil Systems

Regulatory, quality, and due diligence research

Bay View Analytics
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Bay View Analytics

Statistical design & analysis

Brown Rudnick
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Brown Rudnick

IP strategy legal session

Cannon Quality Group
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Cannon Quality Group

Quality & compliance support

Galen Data
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Galen Data

Cloud data storage, visualization, & analysis

Kilpatrick Townsend
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Kilpatrick Townsend

IP strategy & counsel

Maynard Nexsen
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Maynard Nexsen

IP strategy and consultation corporate advisory services

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Messaging strategy

Perkins Coie
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Perkins Coie

IP strategy session

Phocus Law
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Phocus Law

Contract consultation

San Francisco VA Health Care System
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San Francisco VA Health Care System

Strategic clinical consultation

Wilson Sonsini
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Wilson Sonsini

Networking reception

Young Basile
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Young Basile

IP and startup legal support

Rosenman Innovators Alumni

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Frequently Asked Questions

If you can’t find your answers, please contact us here.

Our company is not based in California or the United States. Are we eligible?

We are not affiliated with a university. Does that affect our application in any way?

Our company is developing a digital technology. Do you only take medical devices?

We are not incorporated yet. Should we apply?

We do not yet have any funding. Are we eligible?

Are there any specific requirements re: disease or condition that our technology targets?