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Teddy Johnson
“I was inspired to be a Rosenman Fellow because I knew how much Dan would love to see inventions from “the common man” fostered and developed, and joining the team was also a long-awaited opportunity to get the band of Heartport alumni back together. On top of that, I’ve ridden the start-up roller-coaster for many years, and if I can give guidance that will smooth out the journey of a fellow innovator, that’s great!”
Mr. Johnson is the Managing Partner of Revenue River Partners, and he has served startup and Fortune 500 medical device companies in research, design, clinical, marketing, and sales leadership roles. He earned his M.B.A. from the University of Michigan’s Ross Business School, and he holds a Professional Engineer license. Mr. Johnson has innovated, trialed, and commercialized interventional and surgical products in the following clinical arenas: structural heart, coronary, peripheral, ENT, brain, spine, breast, prostate, lung, liver, and bone. With hard work, good judgment, and a little luck, Mr. Johnson has celebrated two IPOs and three acquisitions, while earning several patents and commercializing dozens of new products worldwide.