Internship Programs
We connect health technology startups in our network with talented undergraduate, graduate, and post-graduate students to internship programs.
Calling for Startup Hosts for the Cal Poly Interns Summer 2022
Want some youthful energy at your company? Rosenman has opened applications for healthtech companies to host engineering students from Cal Poly San Luis Obispo for a minimum of 12 weeks, at paid or unpaid, in-person or remote internship positions. We have partnered with Labssense, founded by Jacob Pogue, a Cal Poly student, to connect the most talented Cal Poly students with unique opportunities at groundbreaking startups.
Deadline for host companies to apply
March 21
April 10
Deadline for students to apply
Applicant shortlist selected. Companies conduct interviews
Early May
Final decisions made by the startup hosts
Internships begin
June 15
September 15
Internships conclude
Interviews will be conducted remotely. Whether internships are paid or unpaid will be established upon matching.
What our startup hosts have to say about their experiences …
For more information, contact Jacob Pogue:
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