Rosalind Picard: Venturing into the Unknown
With Rosalind Picard, Professor at MIT Media Lab, Co-founder & Chief Scientist Empatica, Co-founder Affectiva
When Rosalind Picard joined the MIT Media Lab faculty in 1991, she was given crucial advice—take risks. As a female engineer in a male-dominated field, Rosalind found the idea of venturing into the emotion-technology space | daunting, but she decided to take the risk anyways.
Since then, Rosalind has co-founded two companies and written a book about affective computing. Also known as artificial emotional intelligence, this multidisciplinary field provides technologies with the ability to understand and use emotion when interacting with humans.
In this episode, Rosalind discusses her ground-breaking work at the intersection of computation, emotion, and AI and her words of wisdom for the future risk-takers of tech.
Do you have any thoughts? Please email us at hello@rosenmaninstitute.org. We post new episodes every Monday. “The Health Technology Podcast” is produced by Herminio Neto, hosted by Christine Winoto, and engineered by Andrew John Rojek