Guy Friedman: Building Trust
With Guy Friedman, Co-founder & CEO, SteadyMD
If you’re in the healthcare space, you’re probably here because you want to help people. So here at The Health Technology Podcast we are constantly asking: what is the best way to help?
Guy Friedman, the co-founder, and CEO of SteadyMD, has his answer: by making telehealth more streamlined. Steady MD is a technology company and healthcare platform that offers telehealth services in all 50 states.
In this episode, we talked about how entrepreneurs like him — and maybe you — are doing their part to improve medicine.
Do you have any thoughts? Please email us at hello@rosenmaninstitute.org. We post new episodes every Monday. “The Health Technology Podcast” is produced by Herminio Neto, hosted by Christine Winoto, and engineered by Andrew John Rojek