Investing in the Team
With James Eadie, MD, Partner at Santé Ventures
James Eadie, MD, is Partner at Santé Ventures. He joined the firm in 2010. Previously, James served in the Air Force and was the medical director and Vice-Chair of Emergency Medicine at Wilford Hall Medical Center, an academic level-one trauma center in San Antonio. He completed two tours in Iraq as a critical care transport team chief and as the emergency department commander. He separated honorably as a Major in 2008. James received his MBA from the University of Texas McCombs School Of Business, his MD from Harvard Medical School, and a BS in bioengineering, Summa Cum Laude, from the University of Michigan. He is board certified in emergency medicine and completed his residency at Massachusetts General Hospital and Brigham and Women’s Hospital.
#46. James Eadie: Investing in the Team

About James Eadie, MD

James Eadie, MD, is Partner at Santé Ventures. He joined the firm in 2010. Previously, James served in the Air Force and was the medical director and Vice-Chair of Emergency Medicine at Wilford Hall Medical Center, an academic level-one trauma center in San Antonio. He completed two tours in Iraq as a critical care transport team chief and as the emergency department commander. He separated honorably as a Major in 2008. James received his MBA from the University of Texas McCombs School Of Business, his MD from Harvard Medical School, and a BS in bioengineering, Summa Cum Laude, from the University of Michigan. He is board certified in emergency medicine and completed his residency at Massachusetts General Hospital and Brigham and Women’s Hospital.