Sujith Shetty, MBBS
Suji is current EVP at Maxis Medical, and Acting VP Clinical and Regulatory at BioCardia after more than 15 years working in clinical research and regulatory at a number of small companies. He holds and MBBS from KempeGowda Institute of Medical Science and worked as a research fellow for 4 years at USC Keck school of medicine in Cardiology and Pulmonary and Critical Care. After moving to Industry, he has participated in development of novel technology in Cardiology (Vascular Dynamics, Inc.), Pulmonary (Asthmatx and Pulmonx), and Neuro (Micrus Endovascular and Codman Neurovascular) and has provided significant strategic, scientific, and clinical leadership in all these fields. While working with the FDA on many projects, he has extensive experience in the breakthrough programs the FDA has offered over the past 10 years and has worked on projects through the EFS program, EAP process, Payor Communication Task Force, and multiple IDE projects.