Michael Harrison, Founder & CEO, Magnap & Magnamosis
Dr. Michael Harrison is Professor of Surgery, Pediatrics, and Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Sciences, Emeritus. He is a cum laude graduate of Yale University, who received his M.D. magna cum laude from Harvard Medical School, before going on to general surgical residency training at the Mass General, and finally pediatric surgery fellowship at the Rikshospitalet in Oslo, Norway and Children’s Hospital of Los Angeles. Acknowledged around the world as the “Father of Fetal Surgery,” Dr. Harrison is internationally renown for his expertise and innovation in pediatric and fetal surgery. He was one of the original founders of the International Fetal Medicine Surgery Society, the founder/director of the UCSF Fetal Treatment Center, and now the Director of the UCSF Pediatric Device Consortium. Dr. Harrison is author of more than 400 hundred peer-reviewed articles and several textbooks including three editions of “The Unborn Patient: The Art and Science of Fetal Therapy”. As a member of various medical and surgical professional societies, he has been recognized by his colleagues for his contributions to the field and honored with a number of prestigious awards, including the American College of Surgeons Jacobson Innovation Award, as well as membership into the Institute of Medicine. Recently Dr. Harrison served as the 2009 President for the American Pediatric Surgical Association. He maintains an active research lab, which is currently focused on medical device innovation, development and commercialization, and he is the recipient of one of only three FDA Pediatric Device Consortia grants awarded this past year under the Federal Recovery Act. Dr. Harrison and his wife Gretchen maintain both a residence in the San Francisco Bay Area, and an olive grove in California’s Mendocino County.