Dr. Johnny Lam
Dr. Johnny Lam is a biomedical engineer with expertise in biomaterials and in developing practical microscale in vitro tools for medical and biological applications. Dr. Lam’s main research interests involve studying multipotent stromal cells (MSCs, otherwise known as mesenchymal stem cells) and how their quality attributes relate to their functional potential using physiologically relevant, higher-throughput platforms. Dr. Lam received his Ph.D. in Bioengineering in 2015 at Rice University, where he developed and evaluated injectable multi-layered hydrogel composites for cell and controlled growth factor delivery for in vivo cartilage tissue repair. Following his graduate studies, Dr. Lam joined the Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research at the FDA as a post-doctoral researcher, where he now works as a Staff Fellow. His research now focuses on the development and adaptation of wide-ranging microphysiological platforms to evaluate various functional outcomes of MSCs toward improving the quality and potency of manufactured cell-based products.