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From Ideas to Impact: What Entrepreneurs Need to Know About How US Healthcare Really Works – Session 1

Speaker: Sam Glick, Rosenman Institute Chair-Elect, EVP of Enterprise Strategy and Business Development

Thursday, March 11, 1:00 to 3:00 PM PDT (Live Stream)

“Build a better mousetrap and the world will beat a path to your door,” the old saying goes.  Unfortunately, that’s not true in healthcare. Incumbent incentives, conservative cultures, regulations, reimbursement, and inertia all create obstacles to the best ideas having impact.  Healthcare entrepreneurs who succeed know how the system works, and how to work within the evolving system.

In depth topics covered will include the challenges different types of players are facing (and how to help them address those challenges), who buys what (and why), reimbursement dynamics, what drives adoption, and changing consumer healthcare preferences – with plenty of time for Q&A (so bring your questions!).

Sam Glick, partner at Oliver Wyman and leader of the Oliver Wyman Health Innovation Center, will draw on his work with payers, providers, employers, and life sciences companies to share an integrated view of the dynamics of the US healthcare system, and what entrepreneurs need to do to succeed.