Healthtech Leader of the Month: Maryam Parviz

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For the July installment of the Healthtech Leader of the Month Series, we spoke to Maryam Parviz, CEO and Co-Founder of SDIP Innovations. Maryam is a Rosenman Innovator who took the Founder’s Pledge.

SDIP Innovations is a health-tech company advancing orthopedic implants through its patented JAZBI technology, offering a more efficient, cost-effective, and patient-friendly alternative to traditional bone imnplants.

Regenerative Medicine: From Australia to the Bay Area

Maryam’s journey took root at Amirkabir University of Technology in Iran, where she completed her BSc and MSc degrees in Biomedical Engineering. After migrating to Australia in 2012, Maryam pursued a Ph.D. in implantable electrodes at the University of New South Wales.

Fueled by a prestigious UIPA scholarship, she honed her skills in the commercialization of medical devices through NSW Health Sponsored Medical Device Commercialization Training Program. “During this process, I started to love what startups do— take research and commercialize it,” Maryam says.

In 2018, Maryam co-founded SDIP Innovations. The company’s differentiated vision and impressive growth earned the recognition of NSW Health, who provided scholarships for founders to be residents of UCSF Rosenman in San Francisco. Operating in San Francisco, was a large adjustment for Maryam and her family. “Moving to San Francisco was a whirlwind personally. They didn’t give my two-year-old son a VISA for months.” Maryam expresses, “Moving across the world was the commitment that we needed to demonstrate to ourselves.”

SDIP Innovations’ mission is to revolutionize resorbable implants and regenerative medicine. Increasing incidents of traumatic skeletal injuries, chronic diseases, and aging have propelled the need for optimum bone implants. Both patient anxiety and extended time off work are social hurdles that characterize traditional surgery— SDIP’s JAZBI technology is an efficient and

cost-effective bone implant system that helps avoid these setbacks.

Designed for a natural bone repair and replacement, SDIP`s bioresorbable scaffolds and implants, JAZBI, provide a chemically neutral healing environment for bone renewal. JAZBI is a patented proprietary technology and is programmable to construct a broad range of orthopedic bone implants. “It’s is a bioactive alternative to metallic fixations that often lead to added costs, pain, and anxiety for patients,” Maryam explains. With a significant unmet need and a $3.6 billion dollar market opportunity, resorbable bone void fillers, coined JAZBI™ Filler, are at the forefront of Maryam’s focus.

Leader-to-Leader: 3 Lessons Learned

1.Balance Technical Founders and Entrepreneurs

“In med-tech startups, it is critical to have technical founders and clinicians on your team. That said, you also need people who have done it before; serial entrepreneurs who can transfer experience to your technical founders,” Maryam says. For SDIP Innovations, Maryam was

introduced to a mentor through the Rosenman Institute, who had previously sold multiple medical device companies to the industry’s big players.

2. Know How to Ask for Help

Maryam also urges those in the health tech community to see the value of asking for help. “Many founders believe their breakthrough technology has the potential to change the world, but that doesn’t mean they should stop being humble and coachable. When asking for help, it is important to be mindful and clearly express your requests,” Maryam advises.

3. Be optimistic, but Understand Worst-case Scenarios

Maryam’s third insight highlights the nature of the startup ecosystem. “In startups, everything will likely take longer and more capital than you initially think,” Maryam warns. “While still being ambitious and optimistic, keep your eye out for the worst-case scenario if things go wrong.”

Looking Forward: FDA Approval

“We have come so far,” comments Maryam. On their list, is receiving regulatory approval for the JAZBI Filler, Maryam adds. A critical milestone, FDA approval is a foundational cornerstone for the JAZBI technology.

Maryam’s journey from Iran to San Francisco has been marked by the ambitious pursuit of redefining regenerative medicine. Through the JAZBI technology, Maryam and her team offers an innovative solution beneficial to both patients and providers. “The sooner we can get our product to the market, the better it is for everyone— hospitals, patients, and surgeons. Everyone is taken into account,” Maryam summarizes eloquently.

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