Expert Consult with Dave Jackson – Cloud Healthcare & Data Architecture
October 16, 2020
Are you looking for guidance or advice on cloud architecture (including security, scalability, data privacy, third-party integrations), medical imaging, HIPAA compliance, FDA compliance, full-stack software engineering? Apply to meet with Dave Jackson of Green Mars Consulting for a 45-minute slot the morning of Friday, October 16.
Dave Jackson is an expert in cloud solutions generally, and medical device software in the cloud, specifically. He received his bachelor’s and master’s in computer science from Brown University and swiftly moved to Silicon Valley where he has worked in the software industry for over 20 years. He’s worked for Oracle, Yahoo, and NASA Ames Research Center, as well as a few startups, and finally set out on his own to freelance. He is the founder of Green Mars Consulting, Inc., supporting startups in medical device software, e-commerce, and back-office supply chain management.
Our office hours are hosted by leading experts who have generously offered their services pro bono to our entrepreneurs.
If you choose a timeslot, we will require a $100 credit card deposit. The deposit will be refunded the day after you attend. No-shows will not receive a refund. Please be punctual; arrivals late by more than 15 minutes will be considered no-shows.
If you find that you are unable to attend, you may request a refund up to 5 days in advance. (This will give us time to offer the slot to the first person on the waitlist.) We regret that we cannot honor requests made at a later time.