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Beyond Diversity: Inclusion & Resilience in Company Culture


Evie Mulberry, Managing Director, Astia Fund

Niquette Hunt, Founder & CEO, Candesant Biomedical

Thursday, September 16, 1:00 to 2:00 PM PDT (Live Stream)

Building diversity is a priority for many companies. But once you’ve got a team representing diverse backgrounds and experience, you need to ensure inclusion: that everyone is, and feels, included in company initiatives and operations. Research shows that this is important for the success of companies at all stages of growth.

Alongside inclusion, resilience is a key characteristic of successful entrepreneurial teams. How can entrepreneurs build resilience? Can resilience be learned? How can we impart resilience to others so our teams can be more successful as a whole?

Evie and Niquette will share practical advice about inclusion and resilience that you can apply to your own team in this conversation.