
Amrinder Singh: Deliberate and Focused

With Amrinder Singh, Principal, Vensana Capital

On every startup founder’s mind is the question: what do investors want to hear? Our guest Amrinder Singh, knows all about that. But his advice is not exactly to guess what investors want. Amrinder is currently a Principal at Vensana Capital and has a lot of experience in the industry. Before Vensana, he was a Senior Investment Director at Medtronic Ventures, and also led their Business Development and Strategy. All this means he is very knowledgeable about the questions startups entrepreneurs want answered. In this podcast, we asked them all.

Do you have any thoughts? Please email us at hello@rosenmaninstitute.org. We post new episodes every Monday. “The Health Technology Podcast” is produced by Herminio Neto, hosted by Christine Winoto, and engineered by Andrew John Rojek.